Talking sleep science with Dr. Sujay Kansagra
Live Q&A/chat with pediatric neurologist Dr.Kansagra. Setting the record straight on most common misconceptions surrounding sleep training!
Live Q&A/chat with pediatric neurologist Dr.Kansagra. Setting the record straight on most common misconceptions surrounding sleep training!
Daylight Savings Time is fast approaching and if you have young children you may be worried about what will happen to their perfect (or not so perfect) sleep schedule. March 14th, 2021 is when we set our clocks forward. It’s bad enough that we lose an hour of sleep, and to make matters worse… it can wreak havoc on your child’s sleep schedule! I have good news for you! If you…
The time change is coming! If you have a baby or young children, the celebration of that extra hour to sleep in is a distant memory. Daylight savings time will be upon us on Sunday November 1, 2020, and it has a whole new meaning when we have little ones getting up that whole hour earlier! Why is it an issue in the first place? Our biological clocks are dictated…
How to maintain a healthy sleep schedule during the holidays. T’is the season ! Holiday season is here and along with it comes family visits, parties and schedules thrown out the window! You have worked so hard to establish good and healthy sleep habits for your child. You have committed to a great schedule and have sacrificed many coffee dates so that your baby can get a great nap. All the…
Your newborn baby was sleeping like a champ, or maybe he wasn’t. It used to be easy to get your newborn to sleep by bouncing on that yoga ball, but now the second you put her down she wakes and starts to cry again… so you head to Google and you see countless reports of THE 4 MONTH SLEEP REGRESSION.
You finally got your child to sleep… ahh time to kick back and relax, ok let’s be real, more like time to do the dishes, tidy up the toys and maybe if you are lucky watch some TV or do some work. After a few hours you hear a blood curdling scream coming from your child’s bedroom. You burst into the room to find your child screaming in what seems…
As adults, most of us have experienced jet lag and the effect it has on our sleep and wakefulness. Jet Lag is a condition that results in a disturbance or imbalance in our body’s natural “biological clock” which is caused by traveling to different time zones. Our bodies operate on a 24- hour cycle called Circadian Rhythms. These rhythms are influenced by the rising and setting of the sun, exposure…
How much sleep does my baby need? How much sleep does my child really need?? As new parents, we have so much to start thinking about and of course worrying about. Is my baby growing well? Are they eating enough? and the ever so popular.. Are they getting enough sleep? Babies and children require sleep. Lots of it. It is not a luxury, it is a biological need. When a…
con·sist·en·cy kənˈsistənsē/ noun conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. We hear it all the time… be consistent! When we talk about behaviour and our children, to teach a new or desired behaviour, consistency is one of the key components to achieving success. When it comes to sleep training or coaching it is certainly no exception. As parents…
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