4 tips for Sleep this Holiday Season
T’is the season! The food, the drink, the parties, the family visits, and the late nights. Your schedule quickly gets thrown by the wayside. The good news is that it doesn’t have to! Here are some sleep tips to keeping your child well rested this holiday season.
- Maintain your bedtime routine: Your child thrives on and counts on routine and structure. During the holidays things may get juggled around a bit, so do your best to keep to your bedtime routine and rituals.
- Balance: Yes, it’s a given your children will have disrupted naps and some later nights. Try to maintain a balance and spread out your planned activities. If you know you will be out late on a certain night, try to make sure that you are home the next day and can ensure your child takes a nap, if your child still naps, or goes to bed early. Should your plans have you miss a nap one day, make sure to compensate with a nice early bedtime so that your child can have the opportunity to catch up on that missed sleep.
- Nutrition: Keeping your child’s diet balanced and filled with healthy and nutritious foods is always a priority. It is, however, certainly more challenging to do this during the holidays. Keep healthy snack options handy when running around this season, and watch that sugar intake, as it can interfere with a good night’s sleep.
- Have fun and enjoy! Don’t stress about getting off schedule. It is going to happen, and if you maintain balance and keep your child’s sleep a priority, then everyone will have a much better time. Let’s face it…a well-rested child is a happy child. Just get right back on track as soon as the festivities are over!
Enjoy your children, families and friends this holiday season and sleep tight, everyone!
Did you know? Tracy Braunstein is the resident sleep expert for Piccolo Universe. Piccolo Universe founded by Ricky Martin is a place for parents and caregivers to discover, share, learn, and connect. As a regular sleep expert contributor Tracy shares her sleep training tips for Piccolo Universe readers and this article was originally published here http://piccolouniverse.com/en/live/594-4-tips-for-sleep-this-holiday-season
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